Hello, fellow seekers
of the divine within.

Welcome to our home. In truth, we cannot generate what exists already. All we can do is discover the divine within and learn to engage with it, but that wouldn’t sound as cool as “divine generation”. Writing our slogan down as “learning to engage with the divine inside of ourselves and improve our life experience at the same time” simply won’t fit on our banners.

Entheogenda came about as a result of people losing their way and then finding it again or finding a brand new and much more exciting path. These new paths often begin in the pitch black emotional night. Dark paths can be frightening and isolating. These experiences are often necessary for growth.

In a society where the focus is largely on material wealth and comfort, we often feel out of balance, as though, somehow, we are not enough

We offer a safe space for personal growth and self-realization. We can all learn to bring our lives into balance by  generating our connection to the divine within ourselves. We are here to support self-healing and self-discovery through which ever means are most beneficial to our environment and our being.

We encourage and support a better understanding of our connection to Entheogens and their safe and beneficial use in a caring and gentle environment.

Our objective is to discover the needs of each individual seeker and support them in their quest for growth and greater understanding.

“You are a divine being. You matter, you count..
You come from realms of unimaginable power and light,and you will return to those realms.”
-Terence McKenna


We accept no responsibility for any damages resulting from unapproved or prohibited misuse of our products. By using this website and or placing a order you are agreeing that you understand that the products available on this website are not intended for human consumption or other unauthorised use.  We do not make any claims that our products will cure, treat or prevent any illness. We will not be held responsible or liable for the misuse of our products. In ordering you are assuming all liability and are indicating you are over 18 years of age. All our products are intended for research, incense, ornamental, identification, botanical, novelty and religious uses only.