What is in a name?

What Is An Entheogen?

a psychoactive, hallucinogenic substance or preparation (such as psilocybin or ayahuasca) especially when derived from plants or fungi and used in religious, spiritual, or ritualistic contexts Entheogen is a neologism to designate psychoactive substances employed in culturally sanctioned visionary experiences in ritual or religious contexts.

A term derived from the Greek ‘entheos’, directly translated to mean having “God  (theos) within” or more loosely translated as “inspired” and ‘genesthe’ meaning “to generate”. 

‘Entheos’ was typically used to describe poets, musicians and other artists who were believed to receive their gifts from the divine.

The word entheogen thus exposes itself as meaning “that which generates God/the divine in a person”.  Entheogen is a term to be used in strict reverence of substances that act as divine sacraments and facilitate transcendent experiences. Micheal Nelson, 2007 Urban Dictionary

Why Agenda

1 : a list or outline of things to be considered or done agendas of faculty meetings
2 : an underlying often ideological plan or program a political agenda

agenda (n.) 1650s, originally theological, “matters of practice,” as opposed to credenda “things to be believed, matters of faith,” from Latin agenda, literally “things to be done,” neuter plural of agendus, gerundive of agere “to do” (from PIE root *ag- “to drive, draw out or forth, move”). Sense of “items of business to be done at a meeting” is first attested 1882. “If a singular is required (=one item of the agenda) it is now agendum, the former singular agend being obsolete” [Fowler].


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